美国大理石瀑布湖281大桥(The US 281 bridge in Marble Falls )总长950英尺(约290米),这座钢铁结构桥梁于当地时间17日早晨8点07分被炸药在一瞬间内即刻毁灭。共有4000名民众见证了这壮观的一刻。据报道,炸弹的威力十分强大,以至于手机信号也遭到影响——民众试图通过手机将这一惊人画面上传至推特。当老桥沉入水中,湖面升起白烟。看到这壮观的一刻,观众们不禁发出阵阵惊叹声。
The Texas Department of Transportation has set aside almost $28.65 million to replace the Lake Marble Falls bridge with two new bridges. Population growth in Burnet County, coupled with inefficiencies, are the driving forces behind the construction plan. Increased traffic flow is the main goal of this four year construction project that calls for two new bridges, one to serve northbound traffic and the other to serve southbound traffic.
The bridge replacement project consists of the demolition of a steel truss bridge that will be replaced with twin segmental bridges. The bridges are each 3-span variable depth cast-in-place segmental structures. The spans of the bridge are 274’-0”, 410’-0”, and 274’-0”, with a bridge deck width of 47’. The structure is to be built utilizing the balanced cantilever construction method with end spans constructed on falsework. The box depth varies from 23’-0” at the interior piers, to 9’-6” at the end spans, and a variable superelevation up to 5.5%.
FINLEY services includes: bridge design (redesign of segment lengths and post-tensioning) and construction engineering; preparation of integrated shop drawings; design and detailing of temporary works; falsework and temporary works construction and geometry control manuals; stressing data for the post-tensioning tendons; and design office support during construction. FINLEY performed a time-dependent staged analysis of the structure to monitor stresses and anticipated deflections during construction, revised the segment layout and optimized the post-tensioning, which reduced costs and construction time. FINLEY’s analysis included a model using Bridge Information Modeling (BrIM) which allowed the synchronization of the CADD shop drawings with the analysis model, to produce the details quickly to meet the contractor’s fast-pace construction schedule. The first bridge is under construction and scheduled to be completed in the Fall 2012. The second will be finished in 2014. On December 21, 2012, the northbound lane of the new bridge was opened for traffic.