Assessment of bridge capacity through proof load testing

Bourne126 发表于 2009-6-29 08:42:13 | 显示全部楼层 | 阅读模式
ABSTRACT: Aging is a matter of increasing concern for most bridges that are part of the road and railway
systems of the European Union. Many of these bridges are very old bridges without documentation. A possible
way to assess their capacity is by means of a proof load test.
Two main questions should be solved when facing the execution of such a test: a) Which is the load level
that the bridge should resist during the proof test to guarantee a predetermined service load with a required and
appropriate safety level? and b) When the increase of loading should stop in order to not damage the structure?
The answer to these questions is part of the task of the EC 6th Framework Programme European Project
ARCHES (Assessment and Rehabilitation of Central European Highway Structures). In the project a methodology
of proof load testing for existing bridges in new member states will be proposed. The paper shows the basis
of the method as well as the application to an existing bridge located in Barcza (Poland). The bridge should be
removed in the next future and therefore the proposed methodology can be fully checked.

Assessment of bridge capacity through proof load testing.pdf

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94178640 发表于 2010-10-25 11:16:30
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