清水明石 发表于 2008-1-19 20:00:01

有奖找桥活动 (2008年10月)

Can you identify this bridge?

Send an E-mail message to: bob@bridgeink.com identifying the bridge by name and geographical location. One winner will be drawn from any correct entries which are received by January 31, 2008. That lucky winner will be awarded a free copy of Bridging the World.

....The prize is Bridging the World

A 208 page hard bound presentation of 306 color photographs of bridges from 6 continents. A perfect addition to any bridge book collection and a perfect gift to anyone fascinated by the beauty of bridges.8

[ 本帖最后由 清水明石 于 2008-10-3 11:58 编辑 ]

清水明石 发表于 2008-2-6 14:48:39


这座桥在 葡萄牙 科英布拉(Coimbra)

名叫 Pedro & Inez Bridge

清水明石 发表于 2008-2-10 19:50:17

2008 年 2 月 的题目 出来了,加油。:victory:


The January Bridge was "Pedro e Inês" footbridge over the Mondego river, Coimbra, Portugal.. There were lots of correct answers and for the first time that I can remember, NO incorrect answers. The lucky winner, from Topolowa, Poland was Przemyslaw Nakonieczny.

[ 本帖最后由 清水明石 于 2008-7-9 21:44 编辑 ]

清水明石 发表于 2008-3-5 01:48:09


The February Bridge was Hohenzollernbrücke in Köln, Germany.

Again there were lots of correct answers and the lucky winnerwas Ansgar Neuenhofer from San Luis Obispo, California.



清水明石 发表于 2008-3-5 01:52:05


有点小难度 在美国的 :P

有兴趣的可以发送到 bob@bridgeink.com 正确的填写桥名和位置

截止三月底,有一位幸运者将获得奖品《The prize is Bridging the World》画册一本。

jiadi 发表于 2008-3-5 12:28:22


jiadi 发表于 2008-3-5 12:29:59


清水明石 发表于 2008-3-31 22:11:17


The March Bridge was the Astoria-Megler Bridge connecting Oregon and Washington across the Columbia River at Astoria, Oregon. In spite of the shortened contest, there were lots of correct answers and the lucky winner was Jerry Bruck of Clearfield, Pennsylvania.

The Columbia River (Astoria) Bridge, also known as the Astoria-Megler Bridge is just over four miles long (21,474 feet), and is the longest bridge in Oregon. The main span is a 2,468-foot steel cantilever through truss, and is flanked by five steel deck trusses, one hundred forty 80-foot concrete deck girder spans, and, at the Washington end of the bridge, seven 350-foot steel through truss spans. The bridge was designed jointly by the Oregon and Washington state highway departments. Construction was begun in 1962, and completed in 1966.


[ 本帖最后由 清水明石 于 2008-3-31 22:19 编辑 ]

清水明石 发表于 2008-3-31 22:14:26



in past years we have snuck in a fictitious bridge on April Fools Day and then replaced it with the real April Bridge of the Month after a few days.This year's travel plans prevent sneaking the bogus bridge in on April 1st, so here is the plan:   April Fools Bridge 2008 Image is being posted on March 14 at 10PM Pacific Daylight Time.   

The image is a composite of 3 pictures from various locations The first 20 contestants who correctly identify the bridge name and location of 2 of those 3 images will receive a (small) prize acknowledging their expertise.   

The real April Bridge of the Month will be posted around April 5th and you will have the rest of the month to compete for a copy of "Bridging the World."


[ 本帖最后由 清水明石 于 2008-3-31 22:41 编辑 ]

清水明石 发表于 2008-3-31 22:16:28

原帖由 jiadi 于 2008-3-5 12:28 发表 http://www.bridgehead.com.cn/images/common/back.gif




清水明石 发表于 2008-4-7 01:15:07

愚人节的答案 出来啦
The 2008 April Fools Day image was a combination of the remains of the Bridge at Remagen plus the steel arch from New York's Hell Gate Bridge. (The third source was a piece of shoreline of the Rhine at Koblenz). Only 6 participants were succesfull in identifying 2 of the images. Pat Battles, David Böning, George Charnock, Ana Krecak, Robert Robillard and Ivo Swinnen will each be receiving a small prize.

桥是 德国 雷马根(Remagen )鲁登道夫铁桥(Ludendorff Bridge )遗址 + 美国 纽约的Hell Gate Bridge

清水明石 发表于 2008-4-7 01:21:22

Ludendorff BridgeRemagen

The Ludendorff Bridge (in WW-II literature, frequently called the Bridge at Remagen) was a railroad bridge across the Rhine in Germany, connecting the cities of Remagen and Erpel between two ridge lines of hills flanking the river. Remagen is situated south of Bonn.

The bridge is famous for its capture on March 7th—March 8th 1945 by Allied forces in the Second World War as its capture allowed the allies to establish a bridgehead across the Rhine and expand that into a lodgement in a desperate and frantic battle where both sides raced to reinforce changing the entire nature of the conflict on the Western Front. A lodgement across the Rhine anywhere presented the allies with an opportunity to return to a battle of maneuver and conserve men, while the Third Reich had almost succeeded in establishing a stable defensive line along the rough terrain of the Rhine valley buying time to restore strength and prolong the war.

The bridge capture was an important strategic turning point during WWII because it was the only remaining bridge which led over the Rhine River into Germany's heartlands and was also strong enough that the Allies could cross armor and truck loads of supplies immediately. Once captured, the German efforts became desperate measures to knock it down, damage it beyond use, and slow allies use of it while the allies worked to defend it, expand their bridgehead into a lodgement sufficiently large so that the Germans could no longer attack it by artillery, and keep it in repair despite the ongoing damage inflicted by battle damage while using it to support the lodgement expansion.

The ensuing meeting engagement went on for more than a week during which it understandably triggered a huge artillery duel, a desperate air battle (effectively finishing the Luftwaffe), and totally scrambled troop dispositions for both sides along the entire defensive front along the Rhine as both sides reacted to the capture. One side effect of those redeployment was that the allies were able within the fortnight to establish other lodgements using pontoon bridges in several other sectors of the rhinish front, again complicating the defense for the Germans and hastening the collapse.

中文介绍 :





清水明石 发表于 2008-4-7 01:25:33

2008年 4月 的大桥

Can you identify this bridge?

Send an e-mail message to bob@bridgeink.com identifying the bridge (in the foreground) by name and geographical location. One winner will be drawn from any correct entries which are received by April 30, 2008. That lucky winner will be awarded a free copy of Bridging the World.

[ 本帖最后由 清水明石 于 2008-7-9 21:44 编辑 ]

清水明石 发表于 2008-4-14 19:58:20

我先揭晓答案吧 。


美国加里福尼亚Crockett的跨越Carquinez海峡的New Al Zampa Memorial Bridge (阿尔弗雷多 扎姆帕纪念大桥)

清水明石 发表于 2008-5-2 18:16:43


Can you identify this bridge?

Send an e-mail message to bob@bridgeink.com identifying the bridge by name and geographical location. One winner will be drawn from any correct entries which are received by May 31, 2008. That lucky winner will be awarded a free copy of Bridging the World.

The April Bridge was the Alfred Zampa Memorial Bridge over the Carquinez Strait, California. Chosen from among a large number of correct answers the winner of the drawing was Crystal Bresley of Carbondale, Washington.
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