清水明石 发表于 2008-5-2 18:19:25

呵呵 ,这个月的桥太棒了。作为中国人值得去了解一下。

清水明石 发表于 2008-6-6 09:30:01

The May Bridge was the Lhasa River Bridge on the Qinghai-Tibet railway at Lhasa. I was surprised at the number of correct entries this time - - I expected it to be a tougher test. It did, however, stump some of the usual experts. The winner for May is Brian Hansen of Roseville, California.

Can you identify this bridge? 这个月的感觉难了

Send an e-mail message to bob@bridgeink.com identifying the bridge by name and geographical location. One winner will be drawn from any correct entries which are received by July 7, 2008. That lucky winner will be awarded a free copy of Bridging the World. (Note that the closing date for the June Quiz is July 7th.)

lemon 发表于 2008-6-6 10:27:44


清水明石 发表于 2008-6-21 13:37:51


Ha'penny Bridge
半便士桥(Halfpenny Bridge)是爱尔兰首都都柏林利菲河上的一座人行桥,也是这座城市的象征。该桥采用铸铁拱,铺设木制桥面板(1970年改用金属桥面板),建成于1816年,拱跨度为43米,拱高3.35米。过去,过桥要支付半便士过桥费,因此被称为“半便士桥”,现在已经可以自由通行。

lemon 发表于 2008-6-24 20:20:04



yhz520 发表于 2008-7-1 18:26:34


清水明石 发表于 2008-7-9 16:17:07

Can you identify this bridge?

Send an e-mail message to bob@bridgeink.com identifying the bridge by name and geographical location. One winner will be drawn from any correct entries which are received by July 31, 2008. That lucky winner will be awarded a free copy of Bridging the World.

The June Bridge was the Ha'penny Bridge over the river Liffey in Dublin, Ireland. There were many correct entries and the winner of the drawing was Georges Blais of Québec, Canada.

[ 本帖最后由 清水明石 于 2008-7-9 16:18 编辑 ]

STEELBRIDGE 发表于 2008-7-9 17:04:34

Nibelungen bridge across the Rhine, also called worms bridge, located in worms, germany.
Nibelungenbrücke,Built in 51 - 1953,Location in Worms, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany,CrossesRhine River.
It is aRoad bridgewithhollow box haunched girder and with spans of101 m - 114.20 m - 101 m.

The designer is Ulrich Finsterwalder, a very famous bridge engineer in germany, one the inventor ofPC bridge Balanced cantilever method.
Detail information ofUlrich Finsterwalder see :
< Design Philosophy of European and American Bridges> China Railway Publishing House, May ,2008

Another picture of this bridge see attachment.


清水明石 发表于 2008-7-9 21:35:14

厉害 赞一个 PF PF

厉害 赞一个


[ 本帖最后由 清水明石 于 2008-7-14 13:15 编辑 ]

预应力砼 发表于 2008-7-18 20:15:49

这个活动有意思   能见长好多知识呢

mytoxic 发表于 2008-8-4 16:24:16

我先揭晓答案吧 。


贤桥 发表于 2008-8-6 21:31:12


清水明石 发表于 2008-8-15 19:50:05

Can you identify this bridge?
Send an e-mail message to bob@bridgeink.com identifying the bridge by name and geographical location. One winner will be drawn from any correct entries which are received by August 31, 2008. That lucky winner will be awarded a free copy of "Bridging the World."

The July Bridge was the Nibelungenbrücke over the Rhine at Worms, Germany. There were many correct entries and the winner of the drawing was another Canadian, Peter Vogel of Vancouver, BC.

清水明石 发表于 2008-10-2 18:28:49

八月的桥 是 成都 安顺廊桥

清水明石 发表于 2008-10-2 18:31:21

九月 的桥 是 葡萄牙 Salgueiro Maia Bridge
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查看完整版本: 有奖找桥活动 (2008年10月)