嘻嘻哈哈 发表于 2018-4-16 16:02:24

世界桥梁大师系列之罗伯特.马拉尔Robert Maillart

罗伯特.马拉尔Robert Maillart ----“工程是艺术。”
罗伯特马拉尔于1872年出生于瑞士伯尔尼,1940逝世于瑞士日内瓦。1894年毕业于苏黎世联邦理工学院。1902年创立了Maillart & Cie Tremblet S.A.公司,1936年获得了英国建筑学会荣誉会员。以下片段摘自维基百科:“Robert Maillart was a Swiss civil engineer who revolutionized the use of structural reinforced concrete with such designs as the three-hinged arch and the deck-stiffened arch for bridges, and the beamless floor slab and mushroom ceiling for industrial buildings. His completed Salginatobel (1929–1930) and Schwandbach (1933) bridges changed the aesthetics and engineering of bridge construction dramatically and influenced decades of architects and engineers after him. In 1991 the Salginatobel Bridge was declared an International Historic Civil Engineering Landmark by the American Society of Civil Engineers.”以下片段来自文献:“Primarily an engineer, Maillart gained notoriety through his innovative bridge designs. Maillart utilized the structural strength and expressive potential of reinforced concrete to generate a modern form for his bridges. To avoid structural beams and arches, he established a structural form based on both flat and curved concrete slabs reinforced with steel.”马拉尔用混凝土创造了力学结构合理,视觉上令人耳目一新的结构形式,其在1930年建成的salginatobel bridge瑞士萨尔基那山谷桥,见图1-3,曲线优美,与山谷环境融为一体,在1999年获得国际桥梁和工程协会(IABSE)“世界上最美桥梁评选”第一名。马拉尔一生设计了许多美妙的工程,这些设计使他至今广为人知。他设计的47座主要桥梁中,有44座仍在使用;他设计了大量的建筑物,至今几乎都完好无损。
图1 Salginatobel Bridge

图2 Salginatobel Bridge

图3 Salginatobel Bridge


福客重金 发表于 2018-4-17 13:24:04


nkdjgxyzy 发表于 2018-4-17 16:24:46


永远的紫金 发表于 2018-5-11 13:05:38

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