此书为2014年12月交通出版社出版的《钢桥》一书的英文版,有兴趣的可以看看!此书的可读性极高!blueesea 发表于 2015-6-30 10:27
中文版图书封面,建议大家买 一本读读,很不错的
目 录
1 Introduction 引言 11.1 Objectives3出版目的1.2Structure and Contents3结构和内容1.3Reference Documents5参考文献1.3.1 Standards and Recommendations5 标准和建议1.3.2 Other References 6 其他文献1.4Conventions7相关规定1.4.1 Terminology and Typography 7术语和编排1.4.2 Axes 7坐标轴1.4.3 Notation and Signs 8符号和正负1.4.4 Units 8单位 2 Bridge Description 桥梁组成 112.1Introduction 13概述2.2Classification Criteria for Bridges 13桥梁分类标准1.2.1 Type of Use 13用途1.2.2 Geometry 14几何外形1.2.3 Structural Form 15结构形式1.2.4 Type of Slab 17桥面板形式1.2.5 Cross Section 18横截面形式 1.2.6 Slab Position 19桥面板位置1.2.7 Erection of the SteelStructure 20钢结构架设方式1.2.8 Slab Construction 21桥面板施工方式2.3Structural Elements 21结构构件1.3.1 Superstructure 22上部结构1.3.2 Substructure 24下部结构2.4Other Components 25其他构件2.4.1 Bearings 25 支座2.4.2 Road and Expansion Joints 26 路堤和伸缩缝2.4.3 Water Evacuation 27 排水系统 3 History of Steel and Composite Bridges 钢桥与组合桥历史 293.1 Introduction 31概述3.2 History of Bridge Construction 31桥梁建造历史3.3 Record Spans 42跨径记录 4 Basis for Conceptual Design 概念设计基础 454.1Introduction 47概述4.2Project Elaboration 48项目拟定4.2.1 Preliminary Studies 48 初步设计4.2.2 Possible Solutions 50 方案比选4.2.3 Chosen Solution 50方案选定4.2.4 Tender 51招投标4.2.5 Execution 51项目实施4.3Input Data for a Bridge Project51桥梁项目的输入数据4.3.1 Requirements for Use 52功能需求4.3.2 Specifics for the Bridge 53桥梁细节4.3.3 Specifics for the Site 54桥址场地4.4Design Requirements55设计需求4.4.1 Reliability 55可靠性4.4.2 Robustness 56强健性4.4.3 Durability 57耐久性4.4.4 Aesthetics 57美观性4.4.5 Economy 60经济性4.5Choice of Materials and Their Properties 61材料和性能选择4.5.1 Steel Grade and Quality 62钢材等级和品质4.5.2 Weldability 65焊接性能4.5.3 Thermomechanically Rolled Steels 65热轧钢材4.5.4 Steels Typically Used in Bridge Construction 66桥用钢材4.5.5 Corrosion Protection of Steel 67钢材防腐 5 Structural Forms for Bridges 桥梁结构形式 735.1Introduction 75概述5.2Load Transfer 76荷载传递5.3 LongitudinalStructural Form 78纵向结构形式5.3.1 Influence of Span 79跨度的影响5.3.2 Plate Girder or Box Girder Beam Bridges 81板梁或箱梁桥5.3.3 Truss Beam Bridges 84桁梁桥5.3.4 Longitudinal Structural Form of Beam Bridges 85梁桥的纵向形式5.3.5 Curvature in Plan 87平面曲线5.4Transverse Structural Form 88横向结构形式5.4.1 Plan Bracing 88平联5.4.2 Transverse Structural Form of Beam Bridges 90梁桥的横向结构形式5.5Types of Cross Section 90横截面形式5.5.1 Open Cross Sections 92开口截面5.5.2 Closed Cross Sections 93闭口截面5.6Cross Bracing 94横向联结系5.6.1 Functions of the Cross Bracing 94横撑作用5.6.2 Types of Cross Bracing 95横撑形式5.7Plan Bracing 98纵向联结系5.7.1 Functions of the Plan Bracing 98平联作用5.7.2 Types of Plan Bracing 99平联形式 6 Construction Details 细部构造 1016.1Introduction 103概述6.2 Detailingof Bridges 104桥梁构造细节6.3Plate Girders 106钢板梁6.3.1 Weld Details 106焊接构造6.3.2 Stiffeners 109加劲肋6.4Cross Bracing 114横向联结系6.4.1 Frame Cross Bracing 114框架式横撑6.4.2 Truss Cross Bracing 117桁架式横撑6.4.3 Diaphragm Cross Bracing 119实腹式横撑6.5 PlanBracing 119纵向联结系6.6Truss Beams 120桁梁6.7Orthotropic Deck 122正交异性钢桥面板6.8Other Components 124其他构件 7 Fabrication and Erection of the Steel Structure 钢结构加工与架设 1257.1Introduction127概述7.2Fabrication in the Workshop 271工厂制作7.2.1 Receiving and Preparing the Plates 127钢板验收与准备7.2.2 Fabrication of the Structural Elements 128结构构件制作7.2.3 Welds 128焊接7.2.4 Corrosion Protection 128防腐处理7.3Transportation 128运输7.4Site Assembly 129现场拼装7.5Erection of the Steel Structure131钢结构架设方式7.5.1 Specifics of Steel Erection 131钢结构架设细节7.5.2 Erection by Crane from the Ground 132起重机地面架设7.5.3 Cantilever Erection 134悬臂拼装7.5.4 Erection by Launching 137顶推施工7.5.5 Placement of the Complete Bridge or of Large Bridge Elements144大型构件或整孔桥梁的就位7.6 Tolerances145误差 8 Slabs of Composite Bridges 组合梁桥面板 1478.1Introduction 149概述8.2Slab Design 149桥面板设计8.2.1 Functions of the Slab 149桥面板作用8.2.2 Typical Dimensions 150主要尺寸8.3 Construction Details 151施工细节8.3.1 Waterproofing and Surfacing 151防水和桥面铺装8.3.2 Edge Beams and Parapets 153边梁和护栏8.3.3 Slab to Steel Connection 154桥面板和钢结构的连接8.4Construction of the Concrete Slab 156混凝土桥面板的施工8.4.1 Slab Cast In-situ 156现浇板8.4.2 Slab Launched in Stages 159分阶段顶推板8.4.3 Precast Elements 162预制构件8.4.4 Influence of the Slab Construction Method on the BridgeDesign 164桥面板施工方法对桥梁设计的影响8.4.5 Influence of the Slab Construction Method on the Pier Loads167桥面板施工方法对桥墩荷载的影响8.5Cracking of the Slab167桥面板开裂8.5.1 Causes of Cracking 167开裂原因8.5.2 Effects of Concrete Hydration 168混凝土水化的影响8.5.3 Influence of the Concreting Sequence 171混凝土浇筑顺序的影响8.6Longitudinal Prestressing174纵向预应力8.6.1 Choice of Prestressing Method 174预应力施加方式选择8.6.2 Simplified Method for Calculating Prestress Losses 178预应力损失简化计算方法 9 Basis of Design设计准则 1819.1Introduction183概述9.2Bridge Life Cycle and Documentation183桥梁寿命周期和文件9.3Project Elaboration185项目拟定9.3.1 Client's Requirements 185业主要求9.3.2 Basis of Design 186设计依据9.3.3 Conceptual Design 188概念设计9.3.4 Structural Analysis 188结构分析9.3.5 Structural Design 189结构设计9.4Actions191作用9.5Verification of the Serviceability Limit States (SLS) 192验算正常使用极限状态(SLS)9.5.1 Principles 192原则9.5.2 Load Cases 192荷载工况9.5.3 Serviceability Limits 193正常使用极限9.6 Verificationof the Ultimate Limit States (ULS) 195验算承载能力极限状态(SLS)9.6.1 Principles 195原则9.6.2 Load Cases 196荷载工况9.6.3 Design Resistance 197设计抗力 10 Loads and Actions 荷载与作用 19910.1Introduction201概述10.2Permanent Loads and Long Term Effects201恒载与长期效应10.2.1 Self-weight of the Structure 201结构自重10.2.2 Self-weight of the Non-structural Elements 202附属结构自重10.2.3 Creep, Shrinkage and Prestress 203徐变、收缩和预应力10.2.4 Support Settlements 203支座沉降10.2.5 Ground and Water Actions 203土和水的作用10.3Traffic Loads204交通荷载10.3.1 Road Bridges 204公路桥梁10.3.2 Other Types of Bridge 207其他类型桥梁10.4Climatic Actions207气候作用10.4.1 Wind 207风10.4.2 Temperature 208温度10.4.3 Snow 210雪10.5Actions During Construction211施工过程中的作用10.6Accidental Actions211偶然作用10.6.1 Seismic Actions 211地震作用10.6.2 Impact 215撞击10.7Frictional and Restraint Forces from Bearings 219支座摩阻力与约束力10.7.1 Sliding or Roller Bearings 219滑动或滚动支座10.7.2 Deformable Bearings 219可变形支座 11 Internal Moments and Forces in Beam Bridges 梁桥内力 22111.1Introduction223概述11.2Modelling of Beam Bridges 224梁桥模型11.2.1 Structural Model 224结构模型11.2.2 Bending Moments 227弯矩11.2.3 Shear Force 228剪力11.2.4 Torsional Moments 228扭矩11.3Torsion232扭转11.3.1 Reminder 232简介11.3.2 Uniform Torsion 233均匀扭转11.3.3 Non-uniform Torsion 236非均匀扭转11.3.4 Combined Torsion 241组合扭转11.4Straight Bridges with a Closed Cross Section 243闭口截面直桥11.4.1 Torsional Behaviour 243扭转变形11.4.2 Calculation of the Internal Moments and Forces 244内力计算11.5Straight Bridges with an Open Cross Section244开口截面直桥11.5.1 Torsional Behaviour 246扭转变形11.5.2 Transverse Influence Line 246横向影响线11.5.3 Effect of Plan Bracing 254平联影响11.5.4 Calculation of the Internal Moments and Forces 256内力计算11.6Skew Bridges258斜桥11.6.1 Effect of the Skew 258斜度效益11.6.2 Closed Cross Section 258闭口截面11.6.3 Open Cross Section 263开口截面11.7Curved Bridges266弯桥11.7.1 Effect of Curvature 266曲率效应11.7.2 Differential Equations 267微分方程11.7.3 Closed Cross Section 269闭口截面11.7.4 Closed Cross Section - Simplified Method 273闭口截面——简化方法11.7.5 Open Cross Section 276开口截面 12 Steel beams 钢梁 27912.1Introduction 281概述12.2Bending Resistance 282抗弯性能12.2.1 Introduction 282概述12.2.2 Vertical Buckling of the Compression Flange into the Web 283受压翼缘进入腹板的竖向屈曲12.2.3 Rotational Buckling of the Compression Flange 285受压翼板转动屈曲12.2.4 Lateral Torsional Buckling of the Beam 286梁的侧向扭转屈曲12.2.5 Local Buckling of the Web 291腹板的局部屈曲12.2.6 Verification of Structural Safety (ULS) 295结构安全验算(ULS)12.2.7 Numerical Example: Bending Resistance 296数值算例:抗弯验算12.3Shear Resistance299抗剪性能12.3.1 Introduction 299概述12.3.2 Contribution of Elastic (Pre-buckling) Behaviour 300弹性(屈曲前)抗力12.3.3 Contribution of Post-buckling Behaviour 302屈曲后抗力12.3.4 Verification of Structural Safety (ULS) 308结构安全验算(ULS)12.3.5 Numerical Example: Shear Resistance 308数值算例:抗剪验算12.4Resistance to Combined Forces 309复合力作用性能12.4.1 Condition for Interaction 309相互作用条件12.4.2 Verification of Structural Safety (ULS) 311结构安全验算(ULS)12.4.3 Numerical Example: Resistance of a Beam to Combined Forces311数值算例:复合受力梁的抗力12.5Resistance to Concentrated Loads 312集中荷载抗力12.5.1 Resistance to Moving Concentrated Loads 312移动集中荷载抗力12.5.2 Verification of Structural Safety (ULS) 314结构安全验算(ULS)12.6Stiffeners 315加劲肋12.6.1 Intermediate Transverse Stiffeners 316中间横向加劲肋12.6.2 Intermediate Support Stiffeners 317中间支座加劲肋12.6.3 End Support Stiffeners 317端部支座加劲肋12.6.4 Longitudinal Stiffeners 319纵向加劲肋12.7Fatigue 320疲劳12.7.1 Fatigue Resistance 321疲劳抗力12.7.2 Verification 321校核12.7.3 Web Breathing 325腹板起伏12.8Box Girder Beams 325箱梁12.8.1 Difference between Box Girder and Plate Girder Beams 325箱梁和板梁的区别12.8.2 Box Girders without Longitudinal Stiffeners 327无纵向加劲肋的箱梁12.8.3 Box Girders with Longitudinal Stiffeners 327有纵向加劲肋的箱梁12.8.4 Transverse Stiffeners 329横向加劲肋 13 Composite Beams 组合梁 33113.1Introduction333概述13.2 Action Effects Specificto Composite Beams 334组合梁特殊作用效应13.2.1 Introduction 334概述13.2.2 Shrinkage 334收缩13.2.3 Temperature 339温度13.3Calculation of Internal Moments and Forces 342内力计算13.3.1 Principles 342原理13.3.2 Resisting Cross Sections 342横截面抗力13.3.3 Influence of Cracking 344开裂影响13.3.4 Effective Slab Width 345有效宽度13.4Cross Section Resistance and Verification of Structural Safety (ULS) 346横截面抗力和验算结构安全(ULS)13.4.1 Section Classification and Resistance Models 346截面分类和抗力模型13.4.2 Elastic Resistance 347弹性抗力13.4.3 Plastic Resistance 349塑性抗力13.4.4 Verification of Structural Safety in Bending (ULS) 353验算弯矩作用下的结构安全(ULS)13.4.5 Verification of Structural Safety in Shear and UnderCombined Forces (ULS) 355验算剪力和复合力作用下的结构安全(ULS)13.5Steel-Concrete Connection355钢-混凝土的连接13.5.1 Longitudinal Shear 355纵向剪力13.5.2 Resistance of Shear Stud Connectors 360剪力钉抗力13.5.3 Number and Arrangement of the Shear Studs 361剪力钉的数量和布置13.5.4 Introduction of a Concentrated Longitudinal Shear Force 364集中纵向剪力13.6Longitudinal Shear in the Slab368桥面板中的纵向剪力13.6.1 Longitudinal Shear Within the Slab Thickness 368混凝土板厚度内的纵向剪力13.6.2 Longitudinal Shear Around the Studs 371剪力钉周围的纵向剪力13.6.3 Interaction of Longitudinal Shear and Transverse Bending 371纵向剪力和横向弯曲的相互作用13.7Verification of Serviceability (SLS) 371验算使用性能(SLS)13.7.1 Tensile Stresses in the Steel Beams 371钢梁拉应力13.7.2 Deformations 372变形13.7.3 Cracking 372开裂13.7.4 Vibrations 374振动 14 Cross Bracing and Plan Bracing横撑和平联 37714.1Introduction 379概述14.2Loads and Actions 379荷载和作用14.2.1 Functions of Cross and Plan Bracing379横撑和平联的作用14.2.2 Wind 380风14.2.3 Lateral Torsional Buckling Restraint 381侧向扭转屈曲的约束14.2.4 Effect of Curvature 382曲率的影响14.2.5 Temporary Supports for Bearing Replacement 384更换支座时的临时支撑14.3Moments and Forces on the Cross Bracing 384横撑受力14.3.1 Bridge with an Open Cross Section 385开口截面桥梁14.3.2 Bridge with a Closed Cross Section 387闭口截面桥梁14.4Forces on the Plan Bracing394平联受力14.4.1 Horizontal Forces 394水平力14.4.2 Influence of the Form of Bracing 394平联形式的影响14.4.3 Bracing of an Open Box Section 396开口箱形截面平联14.5Structural Design 397结构设计14.5.1 Structural Safety (ULS) 397结构安全(ULS)14.5.2 Minimum Dimensions 398最小尺寸 15 Overall Stability 整体稳定性 40115.1Introduction403概述15.2Actions to Consider 404需要考虑的作用15.2.1 Permanent Actions405永久作用15.2.2 Traffic Loads 405交通荷载15.2.3 Wind 405风15.2.4 Seismic Actions 405地震作用15.3Overturning406倾覆15.3.1 The Phenomenon 406倾覆现象15.3.2 Verification of Structural Safety (ULS) 406验算结构安全(ULS)15.3.3 Design Options 407设计改进方案15.4Uplift at Supports 407支点处脱空15.4.1 The Phenomenon 407支点处脱空现象15.4.2 Verification of Structural Safety (ULS) 408验算结构安全(ULS)15.4.3 Design Options 408设计改进方案15.5Longitudinal Stability of Bridges on Flexible Piers 408柔性桥墩的纵向稳定15.5.1 The Phenomenon 408纵向失稳现象15.5.2 Verification of Structural Safety (ULS) 410验算结构安全(ULS)15.5.3 Design Options 414设计改进方案 16 Railway bridges铁路桥 41516.1Introduction 417概述16.2Conceptual Design 418概念设计16.2.1 Longitudinal Structure 418纵向结构16.2.2 Transverse Cross Section 420横截面16.2.3 Fatigue and Joints 425疲劳和节点16.2.4 Specific Construction Details 426具体施工细节16.2.5 Appearance 427外观16.3Loads and Actions427荷载和作用16.3.1 Self-weight 427自重16.3.2 Traffic Loads 428交通荷载16.3.3 Dynamic Amplification Factor 429动力放大系数16.3.4 Coefficient for the Classification of Normalised Load Model429标准荷载模型分项系数16.3.5 Derailment and Impact Loads 429脱轨和冲击力16.3.6 Aerodynamic Effects on Noise Barriers 430声屏障的空气动力效应16.3.7 Temperature 431温度16.4Verifications 431验算16.4.1 Verification of Structural Safety (ULS) 431验算结构安全(ULS)16.4.2 Verification of Serviceability (SLS) 431验算使用性能(SLS) 17 Bridges for Pedestrians and Cyclists人行桥和自行车桥 43717.1Introduction439概述17.2Conceptual Design 439概念设计17.2.1 Structure 439结构17.2.2 Decking 441桥面17.3Loads and Actions 443荷载和作用17.3.1 Self-weight 443自重17.3.2 Service Loads 443使用荷载17.4Dynamic Behaviour443动力特性17.4.1 Introduction 443概述17.4.2 Conceptual Design and Corrective Measures 444概念设计和改善措施17.4.3 Dynamic Analysis 446动力分析17.4.4 Design of a Mass Damper 453质量阻尼器设计17.4.5 Verifications and Limiting Values 455验算和限值17.4.6 Numerical Application 459数值算例 18 Arch Bridges拱桥 46118.1Introduction 463概述18.2Form and Function464形式和功能18.2.1 Position of the Deck 464桥面位置18.2.2 Structural Form 464结构形式18.2.3 Number of Arches 465拱肋数量18.2.4 Slenderness 465矢跨比18.3Conceptual Design and Construction Elements 465概念设计和构件施工18.3.1 Load Paths 465受载路径18.3.2 Arches 466拱肋18.3.3 Deck 466桥面板18.3.4 Hangers 469吊杆18.3.5 Bracing Between the Arches 473拱肋横撑18.4Erection Methods 474施工方法18.4.1 Cantilever Erection with Cable Supports 474缆索支承悬臂施工18.4.2 Lifting or Lowering of a Half Arch 475半拱提升或吊装18.4.3 Preassembly of the Complete Bridge 475整桥预拼装施工18.4.4 Erection of the Arches Supported on the Deck 476桥面支承拱肋施工18.5Structural Analysis 477结构分析18.5.1 Internal Moments and Forces 477内力18.5.2 Asymmetric and Concentrated Loads 478非对称荷载和集中荷载18.5.3 Stability of the Arches 481拱肋稳定性18.6Verifications (ULS) 487验算(ULS)18.6.1 Position of Traffic Loads 487车辆荷载的布置18.6.2 Verifications of the Arch 487拱肋验算 19 Example of a Composite Bridge 组合桥梁算例 48919.1 Introduction 491概述19.2Description 491算例19.2.1 Type of Use 491使用要求19.2.2 Elevation and Plan 492立面和平面布置19.2.3 Typical Cross Section including Concrete Slab 492含混凝土桥面板的典型横截面19.2.4 Main Beams 492主梁19.2.5 Cross Bracing and Stiffeners 493横撑和加劲肋19.2.6 Plan Bracing 494平联19.2.7 Steel-to-Concrete Connection 494钢-混连接件19.2.8 Fabrication and Erection 494制作和架设19.2.9 Materials 495材料19.3Preliminary Design 495初步设计19.3.1 Depth of the Steel Beams 495钢梁高度19.3.2 Actions 496作用19.3.3 Cross Section Dimensions 497截面尺寸19.4Hazard Scenarios and Actions 500极端工况和作用19.4.1 Hazard Scenarios and Limit States 500极端工况和极限状态19.4.2 Actions 501作用19.5Structural Analysis 503结构分析19.5.1 Transverse Positioning of Traffic Loads 503车辆荷载的横向位置19.5.2 Longitudinal Positioning of Traffic Loads 504车辆荷载的纵向位置19.5.3 Internal Moments and Forces 505弯矩和剪力19.5.4 Cracking and Method of Placement of the Concrete 508混凝土的浇筑方法和开裂19.6Verification of Structural Safety (ULS) 509验算结构安全(ULS)19.6.1 Resisting Cross Sections 510抵抗截面19.6.2 Cross Section in the Span During Construction 510施工阶段跨内截面19.6.3 Cross Section at Mid-span in the Final State 514成桥状态跨中截面19.6.4 Cross Section over an Intermediate Support in the FinalState 515成桥状态支点截面19.6.5 Verification of the Stiffeners 521加劲肋验算19.7Steel-Concrete Connection 522钢-混凝土连接19.7.1 Elastic Resistance at an Intermediate Support 523中间支点弹性抗力19.7.2 Plastic Resistance in the Span 524跨间截面塑性抗力19.8Verification of Fatigue Safety 527验算疲劳安全19.8.1 Lower Flange in the Span 527跨间截面下翼缘19.8.2 Upper Flange Over Support P2 529P2支点截面上翼缘19.8.3 Steel-Concrete Connection 530钢-混连接19.8.4 Web Breathing 531腹板起伏19.9Verification of Serviceability (SLS) 531验算使用性能19.9.1 Comfort 531舒适性19.9.2 Appearance 532外观19.9.3 Functionality 533功能Index 535索引Notation541符号说明
blueesea 发表于 2015-7-1 09:38
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