
桥上行走... 发表于 2016-3-3 18:10:35 | 显示全部楼层 | 阅读模式
The City of Dubai
This design for the Al Shandagha Crossing is an iconic symbol for the city of Dubai which simply defines the spirit and ambition of its people in a bold sculptural form. This new prestigious landmark will reflect the City of Dubai as it has become and will be. Dubai is a timeless city. It has existed for centuries and has always been a prosperous place; from its origins as a trade port it has evolved and strengthened into an international centre for banking, finance and tourism. The energy and enthusiasm that has created this city is incredible and will ensure its continued prosperity and rightly should be celebrated as a symbol of Dubai.
The Concept of Infinity
Infinity is a concept with many meanings and associations. The simplest definition is ‘boundlessness’, meaning that there are no limits, no restrictions. Instead, there are only possibilities – bold, new, exciting and endless. The city of Dubai already knows the meaning of infinity; it is such a forward thinking and enterprising place that the true feeling really is that anything is possible, that limits and boundaries do not have to exist. The Infinity of Space Infinity as a concept is rich with symbolism.
It is associated with all dimensions, be it the 3 dimensions or time itself, the fourth dimension. Dubai appears to be unhindered by all these dimensions; the constraints of the physical area are being challenged by the construction of new land on the seafront, for example the Palm Islands clearly demonstrate what can be achieved when thinking without limitations.  The third dimension is being challenged by the Burj Dubai which is breaking all records and known limits on building heights. The Infinity of Time The fourth dimension, time, is an important symbol for Dubai. The city is ancient with a vastly rich history and treasured cultural heritage that is respected by all. The present day people of Dubai are now creating the basis for a new chapter in the history of Dubai which will ensure its future prosperity and good fortune.  This new future is being composed with so much sincerity and consideration for future generations that the city’s infinite continuation feels assured.
The Infinity of Energy The concept of Infinity is also importantly associated with energy, the source of life, vitality and growth. Dubai is full of energy which to the rest of the world appears truly boundless;  the recent rapid growth of the economy, immense number of construction works and astonishing population increase all give evidence to the overwhelming sense of infinite energy in Dubai. The result is that Dubai has been re-invigorated and empowered for a bold future. And this is just the beginning as Dubai is also loaded with potential energy, ready for the future and its possibilities.
The Infinity Symbol
The infinity symbol excellently represents the meaning of infinity; a loop that returns on itself, which if followed has no end. It can be seen as a continuous flow of energy, as an endless loop in the fabric of space and time. Its form is symmetrical yet dynamic, natural yet logical.
The graceful curves of the infinity symbol resonate with cultural forms and decoration synonymous with Arabic Culture. The same curvaceous forms can be seen in many of the contemporary architecture and developments within Dubai.
Changing Perspectives
The design of the bridge is such that various forms of its symbolism are revealed when viewed from different approaches. Vehicular and pedestrian traffic travelling across the bridge will visualise the infinity symbol as a gateway structure, looping above them in an embracing manner. The semblance of a gateway is appropriate in that Al Shandagha is the mouth of Dubai Creek and thereby the original ‘gateway’ to the city’s heritage and prosperity. From the river, tourists using the river taxis and people enjoying the riverside promenades will experience the bridge as an elegant arch which gracefully spans the width of Dubai Creek. The true symbolism of the bridge will be revealed from the sky. The bridge will be clearly visible from airplanes as it is on the direct flight paths where visitors may get their first and last views of the city.
Blurring Architecture and Structural Design
This design places the infinity symbol astride the bridge deck, whereby embracing its span across Dubai Creek. This symbol is not just sculptural decoration; it acts as a slender and elegant structural arch with cables that gracefully reach down and support the road deck below.  The result is a cohesive expression of dynamic and iconic design, fitting for a gateway emblem to Dubai. Sustainable Design This design places the infinity symbol astride the bridge deck, whereby embracing its span across Dubai Creek. This symbol is not just sculptural decoration; it acts as a slender and elegant structural arch with cables that gracefully reach down and support the road deck below.  The result is a cohesive expression of dynamic and iconic design, fitting for a gateway emblem to Dubai. Materials The steel structure of the bridge is clad in polished silver coloured metal sheets that are inspired by the oyster shell, a poignant symbol for Dubai and its famed history of pearl diving. The dynamic form of the infinity loop is accentuated by a patterned chord that weaves around the structure. The pattern is based on Islamic art and will be lit at night by a programmed lighting system. The design is technically suitable to the site, an important aspect of good design. Lighting Concept This bridge design will create a powerful landmark image at night, assisted by dynamic illumination. Digital Lighting will be programmed to accentuate the continous loop effect of the infinity symbol which will bring the bridge alive, thereby emulating the energy of Dubai in a breath-taking display.


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redflag 发表于 2016-3-3 18:51:07
Infinity Bridge——因桥梁外形与数学里的无穷符号“∞”酷似而得名
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greetingpi... 发表于 2016-3-8 09:11:37
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薛万新 发表于 2017-4-19 10:13:36
greetingpine 发表于 2016-3-8 09:11

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