Behaviour and Design ofEXTRADOSED BRIDGESbyKonstantinos Kris Mermigas
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ABSTRACT) g) ^# z, }- z* g- [
The purpose of this thesis is to provide insight into how different geometric parameters such as tower
: O, F! ~# E* h dheight, girder depth, and pier dimensions influence the structural behaviour, cost, and feasibility of an
' U( J) P6 J- G8 Textradosed bridge.
0 `# C/ K7 y* V. ?. rA study of 51 extradosed bridges shows the variability in proportions and use of extradosed bridges,
3 s T0 M1 ?: sand compares their material quantities and structural characteristics to girder and cable-stayed bridges.
5 g- P) u7 H+ Z* K7 \. v) SThe strategies and factors that must be considered in the design of an extradosed bridge are discussed.0 I0 V* C( X% H# x1 l" e3 M8 ?: l
Two cantilever constructed girder bridges, an extradosed bridge with stiff girder, and an extradosed
! }1 P/ H7 `: N( W0 ^bridge with stiff tower are designed for a three span bridge with central span of 140 m. The structural& w6 Y9 T# `/ `8 i5 B9 L! f
behaviour, materials utilisation, and costs of each bridge are compared. Providing stiffness either in the# b9 C6 P3 l) o: c- a. g
girder or in the piers of an extradosed bridge are both found to be effective stategies that lead to
/ F4 C) J1 e; {: o8 e7 gcompetitive designs.) s# S+ a; D9 f6 g0 E P: N5 B
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