
AdminQTB 发表于 2012-11-26 10:04:27 | 显示全部楼层 | 阅读模式
   f6b811fe44.jpg # Z% ~# }- {$ F6 k* w4 k& x
  金门大桥横跨南北,将旧金山市与Marin县连结起来。花费四年多时间修建的这座桥是世界上最漂亮的结构之一。它已不是世界上最长的悬索桥,但它却是最著名的。金门大桥的巨大桥塔高227米,每根钢索重6412公吨,由27000根钢丝绞成。1933年1月始建,1937年5月首次建成通车。 ?2 [/ O* _- y/ i; F& o7 }" s5 P
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& N; ^- J  a$ N& f3 j, s1 m  如今的金门大桥: S2 p) m$ X7 r- X. I; w, S- p
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AdminQTB 发表于 2012-11-26 10:45:53
( m' V& d1 L+ ~' |7 ~: e+ I “奇迹……”
1 g- P% \- D" i  _
The Golden Gate Bridge, an architectural wonder and American icon, was opened on May 27, 1937. It had taken four years and over $35 million to build and the chief engineer overseeing its construction, Joseph Strauss wrote an appropriately titled poem to commemorate its opening: "The Mighty Task is Done."
       金门大桥,一个建筑的奇迹,一个美国的标志,在1937年5月27日启用。用了四年时间,花费了三千五百万美元才建造完成,监督其建造过程的首席工程师约瑟夫·施特劳斯抒写下一首命名恰到好处的诗来纪念它的开幕:《奇迹已完成》! X+ y* c/ |& b5 c$ j' h- A# J
照片: 赫尔顿档案馆/ 盖蒂图片社4 [* ?8 K( v0 r, `2 D
6 N. f& a/ G% U) z2 c1 y* _. t# s
2.jpg - V7 @2 P4 Z/ v8 z
The 'Halfway to Hell' Club
“半路黄泉”俱乐部8 y8 ?8 i% u; u
The bridge pioneered the use of a moveable safety net that saved the lives of 19 construction workers over the course of the bridge's manufacture. These 19 went on to become members of the unofficial "Halfway to Hell" Club.
       大桥倡导使用可移动安全网,该网在大桥建造过程中挽救了19名建筑工人的生命。这19人之后成为了非官方组织“半路黄泉”俱乐部的成员。8 |7 Z) r7 ]- A/ f
照片:彼得·斯塔克波尔/ 时代杂志及生命图片社/ 盖蒂图片社 1937.05.01
6 ?! z, X" d/ T" i2 G
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One Leg at a Time
# o! d. b$ _7 l3 G# k8 L
Each of the bridge's two towers stands 746 feet above water. The bridge is designed so that the towers absorb stress on the roadway via the suspension cables.
  ?7 c* Z/ a! g6 Q5 \" U6 p3 _, G
照片:一般摄影机构/ 盖蒂图片社
* H* ^. [4 j5 _! e( h+ _; |
1935.01.01; H4 e  j! @2 M; h. k

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The Two Towers
两座钢塔8 ^' i" e& t7 w2 R+ |
Until the bridge was built, the only way to cross the San Francisco Bay was by ferry. The automobile ferry between Hyde Park Pier and Sausalito took about 20 minutes and cost $1.
       在大桥建成之前,要穿过旧金山湾的唯一方法就是坐渡轮。海德公园码头和索萨利托之间的汽车渡轮需时约20分钟,价格1美元。+ O5 g. \  Y; {9 R( C
照片:一般摄影机构/ 盖蒂图片社 1936.01.01, k+ A9 R) i# ?2 W# `5 N' o

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Reaching Out to the Other Side
1 y7 k/ ]9 E5 [
Construction on the bridge started on Jan. 5, 1933, and ended in April 1937, $1.5 million under budget. Its color scheme of International Orange was something local residents requested.
       大桥施工开始于1933年1月5日,结束于1937年4月,花费低于预算150万美元。其国际橙这个色彩方案是当地居民要求的。. m$ _* ?  ?; \, O8 e1 n* w
照片:赫尔顿档案馆/ 盖蒂图片社 1937.01.01
+ v: F! }/ `3 q4 `2 u3 ?  P( i
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Road's All Clear
清场后的桥面  \$ c8 e# K. |& _
The bridge has been closed a handful of times in its history: three times for gusting winds of 69 mph or more, once each for visits by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and French President Charles DeGaulle, and briefly on some nights for construction. The longest it was ever closed was for three hours and 27 minutes in 1983 for winds of 75 mph.
1 ?+ B- M+ w* I
照片:赫尔顿档案馆/ 盖蒂图片社 1938.01.01
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7.jpg 0 I. K- ?& [7 ^8 x' `0 g; s& g
Cable From San Francisco
! r5 J7 {, q, k' M" E
Each of the bridge's two main cables contains 27,572 strands of wire, is 36 3/8 inches in diameter, and is 7,260 feet long. There are 80,000 miles of wire in each.
       桥上有两根主钢索,每一根包含27572股钢线,直径36 3/8英寸(约92.4厘米),长7260英尺(约2213米)。每一根钢索有8万英里(约12.9万公里)长的钢线。
* l1 J3 z  h9 a2 P) g, k
照片:彼得·斯塔克波尔/ 时代杂志及生命图片社/ 盖蒂图片社 1937.05.01, O( G& w, ]1 W, |

0 D% }! `, g, ?. n# u
Walk, Don't Run, on the Golden Gate Bridge
' B( }' t) V# J) V
Chief Engineer of National Parks Frank Kettredge and his chief counsel George H. Harlan walk on the Golden Gate Bridge. Some of the steel in the tower was supplied by the same steel factory that made the steel for the Brooklyn Bridge.
7 h% n$ I+ U% ~( T3 m9 O
照片:福克斯照片/ 盖蒂图片社 1937.03.01
! Z4 a) H& d# r* K( \% C5 A
% l; _: [7 ]( W
Bird's Eye Bridge View
大桥鸟瞰/ E. |) [: R, W4 f3 B4 y2 e/ ^4 Z; ~
The original bridge design was far from elegant, and was rejected for aesthetic reasons. The Art Deco look evolved after consulting architect Irving F. Morrow came on board the project.
" Y; v2 d1 x. L) @. R- \- N% [
照片:玛格丽特·伯克-怀特/ 时代杂志及生命图片社/ 盖蒂图片社 1951.11.27( ?7 _, ^" i  f- C4 X

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Crossing the Bay
, T# D" r+ o! [2 q
"At last the mighty task is done; / Resplendent in the western sun / The Bridge looms mountain high; / Its titan piers grip ocean floor, / Its great steel arms link shore with shore, / Its towers pierce the sky," Strauss' poem begins.
2 {0 X$ n! J4 e  N        “奇迹终至完成时;6 A! Z' |4 ^" l  t4 \# [5 J
8 e! s' a# _! s. l6 y        大桥耸立如山高;. `% ]! t: {6 G  D
% z: J9 c2 d& u4 Y6 @        粗钢壮臂连两岸,
# A/ i- r2 J3 @1 l! p3 z1 b$ z9 B        钢塔直上穿云霄。”
3 D! [8 a' z( Z  ?" T! ~
照片:玛格丽特·伯克-怀特/ 时代杂志及生命图片社/ 盖蒂图片社 1951.11.27- |+ O8 J' ]; X" H- f1 e

11.jpg + K( f; T1 _1 p- r
Behold the Golden Gate Bridge
) G, W) i$ L- a
On Feb. 22, 1985, the billionth vehicle passed over the Golden Gate Bridge. An average of 40 million vehicles cross the bridge each year.
       在1985年2月22日,第十亿辆汽车通过金门大桥。平均每年有4千万辆汽车经过这座桥。( m; d& x9 B0 f9 V
照片:哈罗德·M·兰伯特/ 盖蒂图片社1955.01.01
- M0 F  k. y7 z1 s$ B- e+ R- l$ D. ^6 m) d
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书乞儿 发表于 2012-11-27 17:13:04
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