我亲眼见的比较少,目前为止只亲眼见到一座建筑结构采用耐候钢。+ N0 V$ h- c, ^+ c' g S
接触过一些资料,比如什么时候不适用耐候钢, s B1 {9 q2 d% e) a6 r. \
• If the atmosphere contains concentrated corrosive industrial or chemical fumes.如果大气中富含有腐蚀性的工业或化学烟雾。3 d+ v8 h3 p) f. q
• If the steel is subject to heavy salt-water spray or salt-laden fog.如果钢材暴露于浓度较大的盐水喷雾或含盐雾。
7 ?4 o, t! D; z" C, q9 p- a• If the steel is in direct contact with timber decking; timber retains moisture and may have been treated with corrosive preservatives.7 h5 A+ L0 G" ], {" Y [/ L! j3 t
; _5 F+ k: E1 I• If the steel is used for a low urban-area bridge or overpass that creates a tunnel-like configuration over a road on which deicing salt is used. In this situation, road spray from traffic under the bridge causes salt to accumulate on the steel.
! H) B' U3 L5 ] c5 M3 a! k如果钢是用在使用融雪剂的道路隧道桥或立交桥之下的城市桥梁。在这种情况下,道路交通向下方桥梁喷洒导致盐积聚在钢材上。/ H2 y9 D) w; J/ i" S- z5 h
• If the location has high rainfall and humidity or is constantly wet. This situation is rare in Texas.. U1 d: i E5 W' a$ s' f
" f; D, K5 Z) j, K4 J4 U: c• If the structure provides low clearance (less than 8 to 10 feet) over stagnant or slow-moving water.; t# U5 Y5 V4 E2 z+ E. y
•如果结构跨越死水或缓慢移动的水的净空较小(小于8到10英尺)。9 A/ ?3 r9 S7 [% d! p
' v% ?5 S; L3 C( `; L* `" ^ |