本帖最后由 cjcc 于 2009-9-20 17:29 编辑
Panorama Bridge,建于2004年,位于Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia,人行斜拉桥。Architecture:Wyss Planning Consultants;Structural engineering: Holtschi & Schurter
相关文献:Russell, Lisa Footbridge Awards 2005, in "Bridge Design & Engineering", 4th Quarter 2005, n. 41 v. 11 .
以下照片来自互联网,拍摄者Lim Chin Beng
下面一座人行斜拉桥位于Lincluden, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, United Kingdom ,A75和A76高速汇合处。
圣乔治人行桥,位于Lyon, Rhône (69), Rhône-Alpes, France,建于1852年,悬索桥,跨越索恩河。主跨75.415m,总长79m,桥宽3.80m。
Abercorn Ramp 人行拱桥,位于Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia, USA
Aberfeldy 人行斜拉桥,塔为A字型,建于1992年,位于Aberfeldy, Perth and Kinross, Scotland, United Kingdom,主跨63m。相关网站:I.Struct.E. Study Group on Advanced Composites: Aberfeldy Footbridge.
Fernández Troyano, Leonardo Tierra sobre el agua, Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Madrid (Spain) , ISBN 8438001483, 1999; pp. 70.
Harvey, W. J. A Reinforced Plastic Footbridge, Aberfeldy, UK, in "Structural Engineering International", November 1993, n. 4 v. 3 .
Abteibrucke人行拱桥,建于1915~1916年,位于Alt-Treptow, Treptow-Kopenick, Berlin, Germany,跨越施普雷河,钢筋混凝土结构。