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I really don't understand,what about you?

已有 1515 次阅读2012-7-29 20:28 |个人分类:转自网络| understand, really, about


First of all let me apologize for lack of update yesterday and on the day before. I just hope today’s photo will make up for the gap.

Look how the road on your right appears warped! It kind of reminds me of those surreal-melted bridges and roads that can be found all over Google Earth. Yet the “imperfections” weren’t caused by some automatic 3D computing and modeling that Google applies to it’s aerial imagery. No, this is just an ordinary aerial shot, and the warping is just an illusion caused by the super-wide tollgate that widens the road with enough tollbooths to accept and process all the heavy traffic.

It just seems so surreal to me. Even after understanding the illusion, I still have trouble seeing the road as an ordinary highway widened at it’s belly. I can’t stop thinking all those vehicles would tip over and fall, once they surpass the tollbooth’s “cliff edge”… How about you? Did you find it impressive?

Oh, I almost forgot: Facebook made an update to our channel to comply with its new Timeline standard. Go ahead, check it out – there are many nice illusions posted to it daily!


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